The Black Vulture is the Everglades’ Least Popular Bird

vulturesWhile the American black vulture is certainly not the most beautiful bird in the Everglades or the one with the best reputation, it might be one of the more interesting birds in not only the Everglades, but the entire world. Because the circling of vultures in the sky can often be a sign that something on the ground has just died and is about to be eaten, black vultures have often been associated with death. But while their feeding habits seem to give black vultures an ominous presence over humans, it is also their feeding habits that make them so unique.

The black vulture is a well known scavenger, and it has often been stated that a vulture will eat “anything.” Their main source of food is carrion, which is the dead and decaying flesh of animals. It’s no wonder these birds are easily spotted hovering above recent road kill, but they have also been known to make a meal out of the living – namely fresh eggs and newborn animal babies.

In areas populated by humans, the black vulture has been known to feed at garbage dumps, and, because they sometimes feed on livestock as well, this particular bird is not too popular among cattle herders and farmers. Whether or not this interesting bird is well-liked by the human population, it plays an extremely important role in the ecosystem of which it lives, as these birds dispose of carrion that would otherwise serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.

The black vulture gets its name from its deep black plumage, featherless grey-black head, and its short, hooked beak. While it is a relatively large bird with a wingspan of up to 5ft, it is actually considered small in comparison to other vulture species, which can get much larger. The black vulture has excellent eye sight and sense of smell, and, because they often find prey by following other vultures, they can often be seen in large groups. The American black vulture can be found in the Southeastern United States down to Central South America, and is protected in the United States under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

While vultures can be found in the populated areas surrounding the Everglades, they are best observed during an Everglades swamp tour. While humans can easily observe them feeding on trash or roadkill in their neighborhoods, airboat tours through the Everglades allow us to truly witness their natural behavior and feeding habits without human intervention.

How the Everglades Got Its Name

Everglades swamp tour

The Florida Everglades, or simply the “Glades.”

The Everglades, sometimes affectionately referred to simply as the “Glades,” is a name which encompasses much of the interior of Southern Florida, though it is also the most sparsely populated area of the state. But how did the Everglades get its name?

The first written mention of the Everglades appears on Spanish maps from the 1700’s, on which the area was referred to as Laguna del Espíritu Santo, or “Lake of the Holy Spirit.” The name was given by Spanish explorers who had never even seen the land, land which remained unexplored for decades after. Native Americans at the time referred to the land as “impenetrable,” and Spanish and British surveyors simply did not have the means to explore the land past the coastlines.

A British Surveyor who mapped the coast of Florida in 1773 called the area the “River Glades,” after which cartographers began substituting “Ever” for “River.” The actual name “Everglades” first appeared on a map in 1823, although it was also spelled as “Ever Glades” on maps as late as 1851.

Even though the area was once mysterious and considered impenetrable, these days, everyone can visit the area by taking an Everglades swamp tour. The wildlife and scenery available on airboat tours through the Everglades are images that you are guaranteed to never forget, and can be enjoyed by the whole family and people of all ages.